The BIG BAD Streaming Ticket Contest Form
Only fill out this form if you are helping an actor with their ticket contest!!!
During each non-audition production, ACT's actors engage in a ticket contest to see who can sell the most tickets to their performances. If you would like to help an actor with their ticket contest, you must fill out the form below in its entirety! We cannot credit your streaming ticket(s) purchase to an actor unless their name is filled out. All streaming ticket contest purchases for our Red Cast (Mon. - Wed. Class) must be made by Thursday, October 17th, 2022. All streaming ticket contest purchases for our Green Cast (Tue. - Thurs. Class) must be made by Thursday, October 23rd, 2023. If you are unsure which cast/class your actor is in, please contact the actor or you may contact us at
(575) 571-1413 OR achildrenstheatrelcnm@gmail.com
To purchase streaming tickets for the Actor Streaming Ticket Contest, you may either: 1.) Submit the streaming ticket(s) purchase payment in the form of cash, check, money order to the actor OR 2.) Visit our Purchase Tickets page at https://www.achildrenstheatre.org/ticket-purchase